Google Cloud Datastore (Python API)


This library is still under construction and is not the official Google Python API client library. See the official documentation.

What is it?

Google built this pretty neat data storage service called Google Cloud Datastore. This library makes it really really easy to interact with the Cloud Datastore (save, query, etc) in Python.

How can I kick the tires?

You can test things out by following the Get started in 10 seconds guide, which walks you through the basic features of the library (and the service), without requiring any real setup (you don’t even need a Google account).

How do I get it?

The gclouddatastore library is pip install-able:

$ pip install gclouddatastore

If you have trouble installing pycrypto or pyopenssl (and you’re on Ubuntu), you can try install the precompiled packages:

$ sudo apt-get install python-crypto python-openssl

If you want to install everything with pip, try installing the dev packages beforehand:

$ sudo apt-get install python-dev libssl-dev

OK, I installed it. Now what?

A good place to look is the guide: Getting started with Cloud Datastore.

What about the full API docs?

Check out the full API Documentation.

I found a bug!

Awesome! The library is open source and lives on GitHub. Open an issue, or fork the library and submit a pull request.

Indices and tables