Getting started with Cloud Datastore

Creating a project


If you don’t have a Google account, you should probably sign up for one now...

  • Create a project

    Start off by visiting and click on the big red button that says “Create Project”.

  • Choose a name

    In the box that says “name”, choose something friendly. This is going to be the human-readable name for your project.

  • Choose an ID

    In the box that says “ID”, choose something unique (hyphens are OK). I typically choose a project name that starts with my initials, then a hyphen, then a unique identifier for the work I’m doing. For this example, you might choose <initials>-quickstart.

Then click OK (give it a second to create your project).

Enable the Cloud Datastore API

Now that you created a project, you need to turn on the Cloud Datastore API. This is sort of like telling Google which services you intend to use for this project.

  • Click on APIs & Auth on the left hand side, and scroll down to where it says “Google Cloud Datastore API”.
  • Click the “Off” button on the right side to turn it into an “On” button.

Enable a “Service Account”

Now that you have a project that has access to the Cloud Datastore API, we need to make sure we are able to access our data. There are many ways to authenticate, but we’re going to use a Service Account for today.

A Service Account is sort of like a username and password (like when you’re connecting to your MySQL database), except the username is automatically generated (and is an e-mail address) and the password is actually a private key file.

To create a Service Account:

  • Click on Credentials under the “APIs & Auth” section.

  • Click the big red button that says “Create New Client ID” under the OAuth section (the first one).

  • Choose “Service Account” and click the blue button that says “Create Client ID”.

  • This will automatically download a private key file. Do not lost this.

  • Rename your key something shorter. I like to name the key <project name>.key.

    This is like your password for the account.

  • Copy the long weird e-mail address labeled “E-mail address” in the information section for the Service Account you just created.

    This is like your username for the account.

OK. That’s it! Time to start doing things with your Cloud Datastore project.

Add some data to your Datastore

Open a Python console and...

>>> import gclouddatastore
>>> dataset = gclouddatastore.get_dataset('<your-project-id-here',
        '<the e-mail address you copied here>',
        '/path/to/<your project>.key')
>>> dataset.query().fetch()
>>> entity = dataset.entity('Person')
>>> entity['name'] = 'Your name'
>>> entity['age'] = 25
>>> dataset.query('Person').fetch()
[<Entity{...} {'name': 'Your name', 'age': 25}>]

OK, go build cool stuff now
