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This will use a shared dataset, which means any data you save will be available to anyone.

If you want to create your own dataset, follow the (pretty simple) instructions in the Getting started with Cloud Datastore guide.

Install the library

The source code for the library (and demo code) lives on GitHub, You can install the library quickly with pip:

$ pip install gclouddatastore

Run the example script included in the package:

$ python -m gclouddatastore.demo.demo

If you’re on Python 2.6:

$ python -m gclouddatastore.demo.demo.__main__

(This file lives here:

Try it yourself

Crack open a Python interactive shell:

$ python  # or ipython

And play with the demo dataset:

>>> from gclouddatastore import demo
>>> dataset = demo.get_dataset()

But once you have the dataset, you can manipulate data in the datastore:

>>> dataset.query('MyExampleKind').fetch()
[<Entity{...}, ]
>>> entity = dataset.entity('Person')
>>> entity['name'] = 'Your name'
>>> entity['age'] = 25
>>> dataset.query('Person').fetch()
[<Entity{...} {'name': 'Your name', 'age': 25}>]

The get_dataset method is just a shortcut for:

>>> import gclouddatastore
>>> from gclouddatastore import demo
>>> dataset = gclouddatastore.get_dataset(